Developing good character has always been crucial since ancient time for all of to flourish in society. Character education in school is a window of opportunity for students to develop a better understanding of self and the society at large from the initial stage. Besides developing socio-emotional skills, it teaches about ethical values and expectations.
Written By : Aditi Rao
Teaching is one such significant profession that is never going to extinct. No doubt there has been a lot of changes in teaching methods and strategies. We, teachers, need to go on with the time and adapt to the changing 21st Century teaching techniques and methods.
Written By : Shyam Chandra
Learning in an online environment need to be engaging with the active involvement of learners. Effective online virtual instruction depends on technology, innovation, and lesson model. The variation between online and classroom instruction is reflected through students' interaction and environmental shifts. Online education needs to be a student-centered approach to emphasize a mutual share of knowledge.
Written By : Angira Mitra
Traditionally it was all about the knowledge and degree that mattered but in the current times it is more about skills and knowledge that is important. Employers need to look for skilled employees to have long run success for the organization thus leading to individual growth as well.
Written By : Shivangi Chakraborty
A safe space is integral when it comes to dealing with students with special needs. A sensory room is specially designed with multiple sensory stations to relax and stimulate the senses and help students with special needs in promoting healthy responses to manage and manipulate stimuli as needed.
Written By : Soma
The transition from classroom learning to virtual learning is already challenging enough for both teachers and students. Video-based learning has though been a useful tool to facilitate learning, many teachers are finding it difficult to achieve the expected outcome.
Written By : Soma