Teaching is a multi-faceted profession and sometimes gets even harder for new teachers. it comes with a lot of responsibilities – high workloads, difficulty in work-life balance, burnout and the absence of recognition appear impacts teachers, especially the new ones to keep up with constant demand of the job. the role of educational administration and management heads in supporting new teachers is crucial. no matter how qualified new hired teachers are, those educators are new to the institute and they need guidance in navigating not just day to day activities, but to slowly sync into as a faculty member.

Top 3 Ways Administrative Heads Can Support New Teachers –

Clear Communication

The first and foremost thing after hiring new teachers is to communicate expectations clearly. every school and educational institute has its own set of goals and vision and also yearly objectives. it is essential that apart from what the responsibility of the teacher is, to be familiar with the long-term goal of the educational institute. and the only way they can do so is if their orientation is based on approaching holistically. outlining expectations and strategies for success will guide them to better be co-worker in achieving common goal. thus, administrators should clearly communicate with new teachers.

Provide Mentor Teacher

New teachers after joining when has the access to a mentor teacher one on one, can feel way more supported. the guidance that they need even for small details can be easily provided when there is a mentor teacher assigned to them. in the beginning, newly joined teachers may feel like an outsider, which is totally normal, but to have someone who they can go to is a great way to help them start their transitional period as new teachers. mentor teachers can help prepare and develop a professional relationship with the new teacher. it can be practiced through professional conversations, active listening, and trust, modeling lessons, providing important feedbacks, and also sharing the mentor’s professional knowledge of teaching.

Build Trust

To work together as team is imperative to build trust. administrator when take initiatives to ensure each and every new joinee is a part of the team, creating authenticity and trusting relationships becomes a possibility. having the element of trust makes the rest of the interpersonal exchange easy. the administrative skills of heads of educational institute are based on teamwork and co-existing. when new teachers are assured with trust, it becomes easier to connect with them; this makes rest of the professional work easy, since with trust, mutual understanding enhances keeping the hierarchal work flow, delegation of work becomes smooth task to achieve.

Your Takeaway

Finally, anything new comes with many ups and downs and twists and turns, no matter how many times you have dealt with newly joined teachers. each educator is different. and as the new teacher start the teaching journey, educational administration and management can bring that sense of reassurance in them and keep them on track by guiding and supporting them, especially in the area they need help.

Creating a positive school culture is a holistic approach that covers multiple areas including supporting new teachers. experienced or not, settling in a new premises is fresh thing to do for all teachers. administrator when takes care of these areas, provides better scope for the new teacher to be more open and adaptive to the school they have joined. certificate in educational administration and management can help enhance administrative skills and build better team in the schools to promote common goal achievement.

Written By : Shivangi Chakraborty